The file name on HP:November 28 2023 GGG + Forum 2023 Organized by RESULTS Japan The file name on HP:November 28 2023 GGG + Forum 2023 Organized by RESULTS Japan The file name on HP:November 28 2023 GGG + Forum 2023 Organized by RESULTS Japan
PDF May 24 2024 Africa Day Reception at the Sophia University PDF May 9 2024 Council for the Promotion of TICAD9 in Yokohama PDF November 28 2023 GGG + Forum 2023 Organized by RESULTS Japan
March 25 2008 Drifting Hegemony Part 1 The Creaking Terrorist Front 1 (Part 1) Ethiopia North Korea's Arms Export May 5 2019 TICAD7 in Resonance to the African Needs and Requirements, Magazine AFRICA 2019 Summer No.2 vol.59 May 5 2019 TICAD7 in Resonance to the African Needs and Requirements, Magazine AFRICA 2019 Summer No.2 vol.59
PDF March 25 2008 Drifting Hegemony Part 1 The Creaking Terrorist Front 1 (Part 1) Ethiopia North Korea's Arms Export  PDF November 11 2023 The occasion of SEISA  Africa Asia Bridge 2023 PDF May 5 2019 TICAD7 in Resonance to the African Needs and Requirements, Magazine AFRICA 2019 Summer No.2 vol.59
June 21 2022 The Dinner For Friends of Sustainable Use of Marine Living Resources at Iikura House April 26 2022 Celebrate the 42-year anniversary of the Independence Day of Zimbabwe held in Tokyo April 7 2022 The 1994 Rwanda Genocide Memorial Ceremony held in Tokyo
PDF June 21 2022 The Dinner For Friends of Sustainable Use of Marine Living Resources at Iikura House PDF April 26 2022 Celebrate the 42-year anniversary of the Independence Day of Zimbabwe held in Tokyo PDF April 7 2022 The 1994 Rwanda Genocide Memorial Ceremony held in Tokyo
February 9 2022 Online discussion Via Zoom between TICAD committee_ADC and UNIDO ITPO Tokyo Plus IDDA Coordinator, AFR Feburuay 10 2022 フェンケル作戦を記念して COMMEMORATING FENKEL OPERATION 【JP】 February 10 2022 COMMEMORATING FENKEL OPERATION 【ENG】
PDF February 9 2022 Online discussion Via Zoom between TICAD committee_ADC and UNIDO ITPO Tokyo Plus IDDA Coordinator, AFR PDF Feburuay 10 2022 フェンケル作戦を記念して COMMEMORATING FENKEL OPERATION 【JP】 PDF February 10 2022 COMMEMORATING FENKEL OPERATION 【ENG】
December 2 2021 The Role of the ADC in the TICAD Process The 63rd ASC Seminar 12th Meeting in 2021 Kanto Branch of Japan Association for African Studies July 14 2021 The Virtual Meeting with the MLIT and JAIDA with African Diplomatic Corps July 15 2021 The Virtual Meeting of TICAD Joint Monitoring Group
PDF December 2 2021 The Role of the ADC in the TICAD Process The 63rd ASC Seminar 12th Meeting in 2021 Kanto Branch of Japan Association for African Studies PDF July 14 2021 The Virtual Meeting with the MLIT and JAIDA with African Diplomatic Corps PDF July 15 2021 The Virtual Meeting of TICAD Joint Monitoring Group
July 8 2021 The Seminar to Honor Mr. Asahiko MIHARA Deputy President Japan- African Union Parliamentary Friendship League July 6 2021 The Virtual Commemorative Event to celebrate Liberation day of Rwanda June 29 2021 The Third Japan Africa Business Forum 2021 Meeting Tokyo
PDF July 8 2021 The Seminar to Honor Mr. Asahiko MIHARA Deputy President Japan- African Union Parliamentary Friendship League PDF July 6 2021 The Virtual Commemorative Event to celebrate Liberation day of Rwanda PDF June 29 2021 The Third Japan Africa Business Forum 2021 Meeting Tokyo
June 15 2021 Online Meeting of ADC TICAD Committee and JICA Meeting Tokyo April 15 2021 The Meeting with African Development Bank Group Asia External Representation Office Tokyo April 7 2021 The 27th Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Tokyo
PDF June 15 2021 Online Meeting of ADC TICAD Committee and JICA Meeting Tokyo PDF April 15 2021 The Meeting with African Development Bank Group Asia External Representation Office Tokyo PDF April 7 2021 The 27th Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Tokyo
March 10 2021 Remarks at Tokyo Metropolitan Peace Day Memorial Ceremony March 10 2019 The Tokyo Peace Day Memorial Ceremony December 20 2019 The Occasion of the National Day of the People's Republic of Algeria in Tokyo
PDF March 10 2021 Remarks at Tokyo Metropolitan Peace Day Memorial Ceremony PDF March 10 2019 The Tokyo Peace Day Memorial Ceremony PDF December 20 2019 The Occasion of the National Day of the People's Republic of Algeria in Tokyo
September 4 2019 Comment on TICAD7: Strengthening Peace and Stability- Our Flagship and Compass of Navigation in the Horn of Africa September 4 2019 Comment on TICAD7: Strengthening Peace and Stability- Our Flagship and Compass of Navigation in the Horn of Africa July 30 2019 Remarks on TICAD7 Official Pre-Event ICREP-NTDs International Symposium
PDF September 4 2019 Comment on TICAD7: Strengthening Peace and Stability- Our Flagship and Compass of Navigation in the Horn of Africa PDF September 4 2019 Comment on TICAD7: Strengthening Peace and Stability- Our Flagship and Compass of Navigation in the Horn of Africa PDF July 30 2019 Remarks on TICAD7 Official Pre-Event ICREP-NTDs International Symposium
May 25 2019 Remarks at 2nd Ima No Africa Opening Ceremony November 1 2018 Remarks on the 55th Anniversary of Kyoto Computer Gakuin and 15th Anniversary of the Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics Oct 5 2018 Remarks on Business Side Event of the TICAD VI Ministerial Meeting
PDF May 25 2019 Remarks at 2nd Ima No Africa Opening Ceremony PDF November 1 2018 Remarks on the 55th Anniversary of Kyoto Computer Gakuin and 15th Anniversary of the Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics PDF Oct 5 2018 Remarks on Business Side Event of the TICAD VI Ministerial Meeting
July 31 2018 Remarks on TICAD JOINT MONITORING COMMITTEE and Related Meetings July 10 2018 Remarks on Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) Meeting June 16-17 2018  Welcome Remarks On IMA NO AFRICA Event at Hibiya Park
PDF July 31 2018 Remarks on TICAD JOINT MONITORING COMMITTEE and Related Meetings PDF July 10 2018 Remarks on Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) Meeting PDF June 16-17 2018  Welcome Remarks On IMA NO AFRICA Event at Hibiya Park
May 24 2018 Remarks on the Lecture on African Union in Waseda University May 19 2018 Remarks on the Tokyo International Conference on "New Vision of Africa" in Sophia University April 6 2018 Remarks made on the Opening Ceremony of the 11th Africa Festival Yokohama
PDF May 24 2018 Remarks on the Lecture on African Union in Waseda University PDF May 19 2018 Remarks on the Tokyo International Conference on "New Vision of Africa" in Sophia University PDF April 6 2018 Remarks made on the Opening Ceremony of the 11th Africa Festival Yokohama
March 30 2018 Remarks on Sayonara Luncheon held for H. E. Mr. Joao Miguel VAHEKENI Ambassador Angola March 29 2018 Remarks on the Invitation extended by the ASJ to Meet with Japanese Ambassadors to Africa during the Ambassadorial Conference March 9 2018 Remarks on the Occasion of the Meeting between the President of the AfDB and the ADC in Tokyo
PDF March 30 2018 Remarks on Sayonara Luncheon held for H. E. Mr. Joao Miguel VAHEKENI Ambassador Angola PDF March 29 2018 Remarks on the Invitation extended by the ASJ to Meet with Japanese Ambassadors to Africa during the Ambassadorial Conference PDF March 9 2018 Remarks on the Occasion of the Meeting between the President of the AfDB and the ADC in Tokyo
February 5 2018 Remarks on the occasion of Sayonara Luncheon December 16 2017 Remarks in the Ashikaga Institute of Technology Celebration December 13 2017 Remarks on the occasion of African Ambassadors Briefing on the African Unions Health Agenda, the Global Fund and the SDGs
PDF February 5 2018 Remarks on the occasion of Sayonara Luncheon PDF December 16 2017 Remarks in the Ashikaga Institute of Technology Celebration PDF December 13 2017 Remarks on the occasion of African Ambassadors Briefing on the African Unions Health Agenda, the Global Fund and the SDGs
December 5 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of Working Tea Meeting with H.E. Mr. Rakotoarimanana Hery Martial Rajaonarimampianina, President of the Republic of Madagascar September 27 2017 Remarks on the 1st Anniversary of Japan Africa Infrastructure Development Association (JAIDA) September 21 2017 Remarks on UNIDO ITPO KAIZEN Workshop for ADCSeptember 21 2017 Remarks on UNIDO ITPO KAIZEN Workshop for ADC
PDF December 5 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of Working Tea Meeting with H.E. Mr. Rakotoarimanana Hery Martial Rajaonarimampianina, President of the Republic of Madagascar PDF September 27 2017 Remarks on the 1st Anniversary of Japan Africa Infrastructure Development Association (JAIDA) PDF September 21 2017 Remarks on UNIDO ITPO KAIZEN Workshop for ADCSeptember 21 2017 Remarks on UNIDO ITPO KAIZEN Workshop for AD
August 24-25 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of the TICAD VI Ministerial Follow-up Meeting Maputo Mozambique Aug 8 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of 2017 Nagasaki Peace Memorial Dinner Reception Hosted by Mayor Tomihisa TAUE July 26 2017 Remarks on the Closing Session of the Japan Africa Business Forum Tokyo
PDF August 24-25 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of the TICAD VI Ministerial Follow-up Meeting Maputo Mozambique PDF August 8 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of 2017 Nagasaki Peace Memorial Dinner Reception Hosted by Mayor Tomihisa TAUE PDF July 26 2017 Remarks on the Closing Session of the Japan Africa Business Forum Tokyo
July 25 2017 Remarks on the Reception of the 2nd Japan Africa Business Forum Tokyo July 24 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) Meeting Jul 9 2017 AFRECO'S WEST SEMINAR Africa Japan Partnership through TICAD for Shared Prosperity
PDF July 25 2017 Remarks on the Reception of the 2nd Japan Africa Business Forum Tokyo PDF July 24 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) Meeting PDF July 9 2017 AFRECO'S WEST SEMINAR Africa Japan Partnership through TICAD for Shared Prosperity
June 28 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of the Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) Meeting Focused on WORLD EXPO2025 June 22 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of Dinner held in Honor of H.E. Mr. Norio MARUYAMA Foreign Press Secretary June 20 2017 Remarks at the Afternoon Tea Meeting between H.E. Professor Alpha Conde of the Republic of Guinea
PDF June 28 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of the Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) Meeting Focused on WORLD EXPO2025 PDF June 22 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of Dinner held in Honor of H.E. Mr. Norio MARUYAMA Foreign Press Secretary PDF June 20 2017 Remarks at the Afternoon Tea Meeting between H.E. Professor Alpha Conde of the Republic of Guinea
June 5 2017 Remarks on the Tokyo International Conference of African Development (TICAD) Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting May 26 2017 Remarks on the occasion of the 26th Anniversary Celebration of the Independence Day of Eritrea April 11 2017 Opening Statement for UNIDO Seminar __An Effective Partnership for Shared Prosperity__United Nations University
PDF June 5 2017 Remarks on the Tokyo International Conference of African Development (TICAD) Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting PDF May 26 2017 Remarks on the occasion of the 26th Anniversary Celebration of the Independence Day of Eritrea PDF April 11 2017 Opening Statement for UNIDO Seminar __An Effective Partnership for Shared Prosperity__United Nations University
April 7 2017_Remarks on the reception hosted by Mr. Yuji YAMAMOTO, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries April 6 2017_Remarks on the Occasion of Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) meeting April 4 2017_Remarks on the Occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Peace and National Reconciliation Day of Angola
PDF April 7 2017_Remarks on the reception hosted by Mr. Yuji YAMAMOTO, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries PDF April 6 2017_Remarks on the Occasion of Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) meeting PDF April 4 2017_Remarks on the Occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Peace and National Reconciliation Day of Angola
March 24 2017_Remarks on the Occasion of the 10th African Festival Yokohama 2017 Feb 23 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of the Reception held to Honor Ambassador ZEMEDE Tekle Commissioner of the State of Eritrea Feb 14 2017 Remarks on the occasion of the Sayonara Luncheon for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Africa to Japan
PDF March 24 2017_Remarks on the Occasion of the 10th African Festival Yokohama 2017 PDF February 23 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of the Reception held to Honor Ambassador ZEMEDE Tekle, Commissioner of the State of Eritrea PDF February 14 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of the Sayonara Luncheon for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Africa to Japan
Jan 25 2017 Remarks on the occasion of "Tokyo Ambassadors Night", the reception hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan Government Jan 18 2016 Remarks on the occasion of the reception hosted by H. E. Mr. Kazuyuki Yamazaki, Deputy Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan November 30 2016 Remarks on the occasion of the Ambassadorial Conference hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
PDF January 25 2017 Remarks on the Occasion of "Tokyo Ambassadors Night", the Reception Hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan Government PDF January 18 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Reception Hosted by H.E. Mr. Kazuyuki Yamazaki, Deputy Vice-Minister of the of the Ministry of of Foreign Affairs of Japan PDF November 30 2016 Remarks on the occasion of the Ambassadorial Conference hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japa
November 29 2016 Remarks on the occasion of Sayonara Luncheon by the African Diplomatic Corps for H.E. Mr. Jacob Dickie NKATE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Botswana August 27 2016 Remarks on the Side Event of TICAD VI “Technology Enabling Innovation and Industrialization in Africa” Seminar August 10 2016 Remarks on Tokyo African Club (TAC) Meeting
PDF November 29 2016 Remarks on Sayonara Luncheon by ADC for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Botswan PDF August 27 2016 Remarks on the Side Event of TICAD VI “Technology Enabling Innovation and Industrialization in Africa” Semina PDF August 10 2016 Remarks on Tokyo African Club (TAC) Meeting
July 13 2016 Remarks on International Symposium for the Promotion of Science and Technology July 13 2016 Remarks on the 8th in the TICAD Seminar Series toward ticad vi: issues and perspectives July 13 2016 Remarks on the 8th in the TICAD Seminar Series toward ticad vi: issues and perspectives
PDF July 13 2016 Remarks on International Symposium for the Promotion of Science and Technology PDF July 13 2016 Remarks on the 8th in the TICAD Seminar Series "Toward TICAD VI: Issues and Perspectives PDF July 13 2016 Remarks on the 8th in the TICAD Seminar Series "Toward TICAD VI: Issues and Perspectives
20160630_TICAD VI Ministerial Preparatory Meeting June 16-17,2016 Banjul,Gambia Remarks on the Occasion of NIKKEI GLOBAL STRATEGY FORUM FOR TICAD VI Remarks on the Occasion of NIKKEI GLOBAL STRATEGY FORUM FOR TICAD VI
PDF June 16-17 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of TICAD VI Ministerial Preparatory Meeting, Banjul,Gambi PDF June 7 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Tokyo African Club (TAC) Meetin PDF May 27 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of NIKKEI GLOBAL STRATEGY FORUM FOR TICAD VI
May 25 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of Africa Day Reception May 19 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Official Working Visit to Japan of H.E.Mr. John Dramani Mahama, President of the Republic of Ghana, and his spouse, Mrs. Lordina Dramani Mahama May 18 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Sayonara Luncheon by the ADC for H.E.Dr.Samir ARROUR, and H.E.Dr.Major General Reuben NGWENYA
PDF May 25 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of Africa Day Receptio PDF May 19 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Official Working Visit to Japan of H.E.Mr. John Dramani Mahama, President of the Republic of Ghana, and his spouse, Mrs. Lordina Dramani Maham PDF May 18 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Sayonara Luncheon by the ADC for H.E.Dr.Samir ARROUR, and H.E.Dr.Major General Reuben NGWENYA
April 22 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Association of Wives of African Ambassador in Japan (AWAAJ) Charity Dinner Dance April 20 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of Reception for JICA Directors in Africa by AFRECO April 1 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the 9th African Festival Yokohama 2016 upload
PDF April 22 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Association of Wives of African Ambassador in Japan (AWAAJ) Charity Dinner Dance PDF April 20 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of Reception for JICA Directors in Africa by AFRECO PDF April 1 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the 9th African Festival Yokohama 2016 upload
March 30 2016 Remarks on the Official Working Visit of President Robert Gabriel Mugabe of the Republic of Zimbabwe March 26 2016 Remarks on the occasion of the Opening of the Africa Fair organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan March 24-25 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Official visit of the new President of AfDB,Dr, Akinwumi Adesina
PDF March 30 2016 Remarks on the Official Working Visit of President Robert Gabriel Mugabe of the Republic of Zimbabwe PDF March 26 2016 Remarks on the occasion of the Opening of the Africa Fair organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan PDF March 24-25 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Official visit of the new President of AfDB,Dr, Akinwumi Adesina
February 4-5 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Opening of Japan-African Parliamentarians’ Dialogue Remarks on the Breakfast Meeting of President Yoweri K. Museveni of the Republic of Uganda September 8 2015 Remarks on the Sayonara Luncheon by the ADC for H. E. Mr. Goldwin
PDF February 4-5 2016 Remarks on the Occasion of the Opening of Japan-African Parliamentarians’Dialogue PDF September 10 2015 Remarks on the Breakfast Meeting of President Yoweri K. Museveni of the Republic of Uganda with ADC PDF September 8 2015 Remarks on the Sayonara Luncheon by the ADC for H. E. Mr. Goldwin
August 27 2015 Remarks in Breakfast Meeting in Honor of Madam President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf July 29 2015 Remarks on African society of Japan July 24 2015 Remarks on Tokyo African Club (TAC) Meeting
PDF August 27 2015 Remarks in Breakfast Meeting in Honor of Madam President Ellen Johnson Sirlea PDF July 29 2015 Remarks on African society of Japan PDF July 24 2015 Remarks on Tokyo African Club (TAC) Meeting
July 24 2015 Remarks on the Sayonara Luncheon for President of AfDB and Head of the External Representation Office for AfDB June 13 2015 Remarks on the Sayonara Luncheon by the ADC for the Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan May 14 2015 Remarks on tha occasion of the Luncheon with ADC Ambassadors
PDF July 24 2015 Remarks on the Sayonara Luncheon for President of AfDB and Head of the External Representation Office for AfDB PDF June 13 2015 Remarks on the Sayonara Luncheon by the ADC for the Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan PDF May 14 2015 Remarks on tha occasion the Luncheon with ADC Ambassadors
April 24 2015 Remarks on the Departure of H.E. Mrs. Salome T. SIJAONA Ambassador of Tanzania May 14 2015 Remarks on tha occasion of the Luncheon with ADC Ambassadors April 24 2015 Remarks on the Departure of H.E. Mrs. Salome T. SIJAONA Ambassador of Tanzania
PDF April 24 2015 Remarks on the Departure of H.E. Mrs. Salome T. SIJAONA Ambassador of Tanzania PDF May 14 2015 Remarks on tha occasion the Luncheon with ADC Ambassadors PDF April 24 2015 Remarks on the Departure of H.E. Mrs. Salome T. SIJAONA Ambassador of Tanzania
April 3 to 5 2015 Opening remarks at the opening ceremony of the African Festivsl Yokohama 2015 April 2 2015 Remarks on the Departure of H. E. Dr. Charles MURIGANDE Ambassador of Rwanda February 27 2015 Remarks on the luncheon held in honor of H.E. Mr. Hisham ELZIMAITY
PDF April 3 to 5 2015 Opening remarks at the opening ceremony of the African Festivsl Yokohama 2015 PDF April 2 2015 Remarks on the Departure of H. E. Dr. Charles MURIGANDE Ambassador of Rwanda PDF February 27 2015 Remarks on the luncheon held by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Japan
February 27 2015 Remarks on the luncheon held in honor of H.E. Mr. Hisham ELZIMAITY February 26 2015 Remarks on the dinner party hosted by His Excellency Mr. Masaaki Yamazaki February 26 2015 Remarks at the Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) Meeting
PDF February 27 2015 Remarks on the luncheon held in honor of H.E. Mr. Hisham ELZIMAITY PDF February 26 2015 Remarks on the dinner party hosted by the President of the House of Councillors His Excellency PDF February 26 2015 Remarks at the Tokyo Africa Club (TAC) Meeting
January 26 2015 Remarks on the Seminar on the Initiative for the Promotion of Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation between Africa and Japan January 14 2015 Statement on the Luncheon for Ambassador of Algeria and outgoing Vice Dean of ADC 25 Apr 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance
PDF January 26 2015 Remarks on the Seminar on the Promotion of Science and Technology Innovation PDF January 14 2015 Statement on the Luncheon for Ambassador of Algeria and outgoing Vice Dean of ADC PDF November 21 2014 Remarks at Press Conference on Ebola by Japan National Press Club
25 Apr 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance 25 Apr 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance 25 Apr 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance
PDF June 11 2014 Remarks at the Ambassadorial Conference by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan PDF June 11 2014 Remarks at AFRECO the First Special Advisors Conference PDF June 10 2014 Remarks at the Reception of Japan Africa Business Forum 2014
25 Apr 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance 25 Apr 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance 25 Apr 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance
PDF June 11 2014 Closing Remarks at Japan Africa Business Forum PDF May 26 2014 Remark at Africa Day Reception 2014 PDF May 5 2014 Remarks at the 1st TICAD V Ministerial Meeting in Yaoundé
25 Apr 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance Mar 8 2014 Statement at TICAD Co-organizers Joint Secretariat Meeting Apr 4 2014 In the Opening of African Festival Yokohama 2014
PDF April 25 2014 Remarks on the Occasion of AWAAJ Charity Dinner Dance PDF April 4 2014 Remarks in the Opening Ceremony of the 7th African Festival Yokohama PDF March 26 2014 Statement in honor of outgoing Dean of ADC
Mar 26 2014 Statement in honor of outgoing Dean of ADC    
PDF March 8 2014 Statement at TICAD Co-Organizers Joint Secretariat Meeting    