

※English below


経済産業省管轄の独立法人 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構(JOGMEC)から1月31日付けでエリトリアの鉱業ポテンシャルについての報告書「エリトリア:東アフリカの穴場か?-秘められた石油・天然ガス探鉱・開発ポテンシャル」が発表されました。



報告書概要 <上記のJOGMEC報告書より転載>

・エリトリアは 2000 年までエチオピアとの国境紛争などの政治的リスクを抱えていたこともあり、 100,000 km2 の広大な海域の堆積盆に試掘井がわずか 12 坑しか掘削されていない。

・現在紅海、紅海沿岸陸上、および西部陸上で計12 鉱区が開放されている。紅海ではガスの発見坑井が存在し、また多くの坑井で油ガス徴を確認しており、探鉱ポテンシャルが残されているものと推察される。

・油田やガス田が発見された場合の開発環境としても、 対岸にジェッダなどの人口密集地域を控えており、 また紅海は多くの船舶が行き来する主要航路であることから、 好都合である。

・一方、鉱物資源探査については最近活発化しており、2010 年後半に陸上西部の鉱区で金鉱山からの生産を開始する。現在計14の外国企業が探鉱活動中である。 特に最近は中国企業の参入が目立ち、医療機関の支援などを通じて同国との関係を強めている。

・現在首都アスマラ市は治安が良く、 比較的政治的リスクも低いと言える。



Japan Oil Gas and Minerals Exploration Corporation (JOGMEC) has released its 11 page researched report on the energy and mineral resource potential of Eritrea titled "Eritrea: Is it a hidden good spot in East Africa?--Its hidden potential of oil/natural gas exploration and development" on 31st January 2010:

The report covers 12 mining area’s history and current situation, potential of oil and natural gas, marketing environment, current situation of mineral resource and geothermal energy.

It describes the security of Asmara city as "Very good", "There is almost no need to worry about security in Asmara when opening office ". Also his impression is introduced as "I understand why people call Asmara as "One of the few cities in Africa where a woman can walk for herself at night"".

The summary of the report is as follows
-Quoted from the JOGMEG report, non- verbatim translation-

* In Eritrea, only 12 have been explored in the vast ocean basin, 100,000 km2, and one of the reasons for this is that Eritrea had had political risk, the border war against Ethiopia until 2000.

*Currently, 12 mining areas are opened in Red Sea area, coastal land along Red Sea and western Eritrea. In Red Sea, there are some wells where gas was found out, and in many wells the sign of oil gas were identified, so we assume that there is still exploration potential.

*The development environment, when oil field and gas field are discovered, are good because there is densely-populated area opposite of Red Sea like Jeddah and Red Sea, the busiest sea route, has a lot of traffic.

*On the other hand, the exploration of mine resources has become active recently, and some gold mine in western area will start produce from latter 2010. Currently 14 foreign companies are under exploration. Especially, Chinese companies' participation is prominent and they are strengthening friendship through their support to medical institution.

*Currently, the security in Asmara city is very good and the political risk is relatively low.

For further reference please go to JOGMEC:

February 5, 2010
Embassy of the State of Eritrea to Japan

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